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A portable, open-source, coherent noise-generating library for C++

libnoise Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
noise::module::AbsNoise module that outputs the absolute value of the output value from a source module
noise::module::AddNoise module that outputs the sum of the two output values from two source modules
noise::module::BillowNoise module that outputs three-dimensional "billowy" noise
noise::module::BlendNoise module that outputs a weighted blend of the output values from two source modules given the output value supplied by a control module
noise::module::CacheNoise module that caches the last output value generated by a source module
noise::module::CheckerboardNoise module that outputs a checkerboard pattern
noise::module::ClampNoise module that clamps the output value from a source module to a range of values
noise::module::ConstNoise module that outputs a constant value
noise::module::ControlPointThis structure defines a control point
noise::module::CurveNoise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an arbitrary function curve
noise::model::CylinderModel that defines the surface of a cylinder
noise::module::CylindersNoise module that outputs concentric cylinders
noise::module::DisplaceNoise module that uses three source modules to displace each coordinate of the input value before returning the output value from a source module
noise::ExceptionAbstract base class for libnoise exceptions
noise::ExceptionInvalidParamInvalid parameter exception
noise::ExceptionNoModuleNo module exception
noise::ExceptionOutOfMemoryOut of memory exception
noise::ExceptionUnknownUnknown exception
noise::module::ExponentNoise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an exponential curve
noise::module::InvertNoise module that inverts the output value from a source module
noise::model::LineModel that defines the displacement of a line segment
noise::module::MaxNoise module that outputs the larger of the two output values from two source modules
noise::module::MinNoise module that outputs the smaller of the two output values from two source modules
noise::module::ModuleAbstract base class for noise modules
noise::module::MultiplyNoise module that outputs the product of the two output values from two source modules
noise::module::PerlinNoise module that outputs 3-dimensional Perlin noise
noise::model::PlaneModel that defines the surface of a plane
noise::module::PowerNoise module that raises the output value from a first source module to the power of the output value from a second source module
noise::module::RidgedMultiNoise module that outputs 3-dimensional ridged-multifractal noise
noise::module::RotatePointNoise module that rotates the input value around the origin before returning the output value from a source module
noise::module::ScaleBiasNoise module that applies a scaling factor and a bias to the output value from a source module
noise::module::ScalePointNoise module that scales the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module
noise::module::SelectNoise module that outputs the value selected from one of two source modules chosen by the output value from a control module
noise::model::SphereModel that defines the surface of a sphere
noise::module::SpheresNoise module that outputs concentric spheres
noise::module::TerraceNoise module that maps the output value from a source module onto a terrace-forming curve
noise::module::TranslatePointNoise module that moves the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module
noise::module::TurbulenceNoise module that randomly displaces the input value before returning the output value from a source module
noise::module::VoronoiNoise module that outputs Voronoi cells